NEXCOM regards our associates (employees) as our most valuable resource. Some fantastic associates and applicants face unique challenges due to disability. One of NEXCOM's goals is to provide qualified associates with a robust, well-defined policy on Reasonable Accommodation.
What is Reasonable Accommodation?
Reasonable accommodations are adjustments to job requirements or to the work environment that assist associates with a disability in performing the essential duties of their position. NEXCOM provides reasonable accommodations, unless to do so would cause undue hardship. By providing these reasonable accommodations, you will find an environment in which a qualified associate will be able to perform his/her job effectively.
To whom does the Reasonable Accommodation policy apply?
Our policy on reasonable accommodation extends to applicants with disabilities as well as current associates. If you need a reasonable accommodation to complete a job application, please contact the nearest NEXCOM Human Resources office. If you are unsure of which office you should contact, please email us at Be sure to include your location and the type of assistance you feel you may need.
NEXCOM is a family, and the health and happiness of our associates is paramount. Our policy on Reasonable Accommodation enables us to meet our associates’ unique needs while keeping them employed.
"I have been a NEXCOM associate in Information Technology for 20 years. During this time, I have had reason to utilize the Reasonable Accommodations (RA) service to meet the requirements of my job due to life-long physical limitations and most recently a motor-vehicle accident which rendered me unable to attend special events. In March of 2009, after consultation with my doctor, I requested an ergonomically correct chair and was permitted to make a choice from a catalog provided to me; incidentally, the Pyramid chair used in 24 hour call centers was my choice because of the high back and sturdy structure. The Human Resources Reasonable Accommodation Specialist was extremely helpful in providing me with the information necessary to complete the Reasonable Accommodation paperwork, and obtaining the RA letter of approval that I needed was expedient.
Although it took a couple of months to get the chair, it was worth the wait; my doctor remarked “What are you doing differently?” to which I answered, “Well, I got my chair.” He then asked me to tell NEXCOM what a difference it had made based on his observation while working on me. I had only had the chair for only ONE day!
The RA service also made it possible for me to watch the NEXCOM special events on video, at my desk, in my chair and receive credit for attending them instead of venturing out to attend the events in-person! It is my hope that my story has given insight into how NEXCOM provides reasonable accommodations to associates and that my experiences result in you making an informed decision should you ever have need of this value-added service."
Chris Johnson
ORACLE Programmer/Analyst