July 9, 2018 / NEWS RELEASE: 17-18
NEX Customers Support Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
Rear Adm. Robert J. Bianchi (Ret), Chief Executive Officer, Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) presented a check for $241,030 to the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society representing money donated by NEX customers during a promotion held in the spring.
“For the past seven years, NEX customers have supported the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society during its fund drive and this year was no exception,” said Bianchi. “The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society gives outstanding support to our active duty military community. I am proud to be able to present this donation on behalf of our customers.”
“Thanks to the entire NEXCOM organization for this donation,” said Adm. Steve Abbot, USN (Ret.), President and CEO, Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society. “We are extremely grateful for your support through the annual coupon sale and for your partnership throughout the year. Your support really does make a difference for the Society and for those we serve.”
Since 2011, NEXCOM has been partnering with Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society on an annual fund raising effort. Since its inception, NEX patrons have donated nearly $2 million through this effort. In return for a $5 donation to Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, customers receive a card that entitled them to specific discounts for a one-time purchase at a NEX in April 2018.
The Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) oversees 100 Navy Exchange (NEX) facilities and nearly 300 stores worldwide, 39 Navy Lodges, the Ships Store Program, the Uniform Program Management Office, the Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility and the Telecommunications Program Office. NEXCOM's parent command is the Naval Supply Systems Command. NEXCOM’s mission is to provide authorized customers quality goods and services at a savings and to support Navy quality of life programs for active duty military, retirees, reservists and their families. NEXs and Navy Lodges operate primarily as a non-appropriated fund (NAF) business instrumentality. NEX revenues generated are used to support Navy Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) programs. In FY15, $2.5 billion in sales were generated with $22.3 million in dividends provided to Navy MWR programs.