June 24, 2022 / NEWS RELEASE: 16-22

Navy Exchange and Marine Corps Exchange customers shopped to support Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society

NAVSUP LogoTwice a year, the Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) and Marine Corps Exchange (MCX) offer its customers the opportunity to support the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) by purchasing a $5 benefit ticket. This spring, the donation from NEX customers was $361,580 while MCX customers donated $247,620, MCX’s highest since its benefit ticket program began.

"The support that the NEX and MCX shoppers have provided to NMCRS through the benefit tickets is incredible,” said retired LtGen Jack W. Klimp, USMC, President, Chief Executive Officer of NMCRS. “I am humbled by their generosity. With basic living expenses on the rise and PCS season in full swing, this gift will be put to immediate use."

The purchase of the $5 benefit ticket entitled customers to $5 off as well as a 5% discount applied to a one time in-store purchase in May. NEX and MCX customers have another chance to support the NMCRS this fall when $5 benefit tickets will be sold Oct. 9 – Nov. 5.

Over the past 11 years, benefit ticket sales have garnered over $4.5 million to NMCRS from NEX and MCX customers.


The Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) is one of 11 commands under Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP). NEXCOM oversees seven business lines that include Navy Exchange (NEX) stores, Navy Lodges, Navy Gateway Inns & Suites, Ships Store Program, Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility, Uniform Program Management Office and Telecommunications Program Office. NEXCOM's mission is to provide authorized customers quality goods and services at a savings and to support Navy quality of life programs for active duty military, retirees, reservists, veterans, DoD civilians and families. Since 1946, NEXCOM has given over $3.7 billion to support Navy MWR. Shop online at myNavyExchange.com.