January 26, 2021 / NEWS RELEASE: 02-21
NEXCOM’s Rich Honiball Receives Top Marketer Award
Rich Honiball, Executive Vice President, Global Chief Merchandising & Marketing Officer for the Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) was awarded a 2021 OnCon Icon Award, Top 100 Marketer Award. The 2021 Awards were presented virtually at OnCon 2021 on Jan. 20, 2021.
“We are thrilled that OnCon and marketing executives have recognized what we have known all along, that our NEXCOM marketing team, led by Rich, drives innovation and creative marketing strategies that stand shoulder to shoulder with the top organizations in the world,” said retired Rear Adm. Robert J. Bianchi, Chief Executive Officer of NEXCOM. “Rich and his team’s ability to pivot and change plans mid-stream during the pandemic, while always keeping our customers first and foremost in our minds, is what helps us to continually raise the bar in serving our Navy community. Our military members, reservists, retirees, veterans and their family members benefit greatly from Rich’s expertise and experience.”
The OnCon Icon Awards recognize the top professionals and vendors in the entire world in the categories of marketing, human resources and legal. The OnCon Top 100 Marketer Award is given to an executive who has made a considerable impact on their organization and made strong contributions to their professional community through thought leadership.
During 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NEXCOM’s marketing plans continually evolved to keep up with the myriad of changes in the industry. In spring 2020, while NEXCOM was aggressively developing new safety protocols and working with suppliers to build inventory in critical areas, Honiball made the decision to pivot existing print marketing to a digital first strategy to be able to react in a more agile manner as the retail business and inventory levels continued to shift. In addition, to keep customers engaged while quarantining at home, the NEX introduced virtual events including concerts, 5K runs, cooking demonstrations and contests, and even visits with Santa Claus during the holidays. This switch to a multi-channel approach, which focused more on digital and social communication, led to an 18% increase in customer acquisition and a 35% increase in customer engagement.
The entire listing of the 2021 OnCon Top 100 Marketer Award winners can be found at https://www.onconferences.com/2021-marketing-winners.
The Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) oversees 100 Navy Exchange (NEX) facilities and nearly 300 stores worldwide, 39 Navy Lodges, the Ships Store Program, the Uniform Program Management Office, the Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility and the Telecommunications Program Office. NEXCOM's parent command is the Naval Supply Systems Command. NEXCOM’s mission is to provide authorized customers quality goods and services at a savings and to support Navy quality of life programs for active duty military, retirees, reservists and their families. NEXs and Navy Lodges operate primarily as a non-appropriated fund (NAF) business instrumentality. NEX revenues generated are used to support Navy Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) programs. In FY15, $2.5 billion in sales were generated with $22.3 million in dividends provided to Navy MWR programs.