Product information
Underwear, Nighttime, S/M (38-65 lbs), Super Pack
Sweet Dreams. Sha-Doze. Defenders of the night, Ninjamas help you sleep tight. Ninjamas are a brave squad of stealthy sidekicks who live in an alternate dimension between dusk & dark. They swoop in to help you sleep confidently - so you can wake up feeling great! Formfit waistband.
- 17-29 kgs
- All-night leak protection.With odormask
- Made with Pampers protection
- The La Brigade Ninjamas Squad: Master Zeez. Noleak
- Odormask technology
- Pampers lockaway channels. Quietcloth material
- Breathable comfort
- 0% Parabens & latex (Natural rubber)
- Contains 2 package liners of 22 absorbent underwear each. Package liners are not intended for individual retail sale. Made with a light fresh scent. Underwear-like designs
- If you notice gel-like material on your child's skin, don't be alarmed. This comes from the nighttime underwear padding and can be easily removed by wiping your child's skin with a soft, dry cloth.